Tuesday, August 5, 2014

News directors: Support your people

It's a sad fact that newsmakers, including public officials and even supposedly professional public information officers, sometimes retaliate against reporters, using inappropriate language and/or making threats, up to and including physical ones.  A news director's response, or lack thereof, can make or break the reporter.

I had to handle plenty of such cases when I sat in a news director's chair.  And in recent months I've heard from reporter colleagues who are facing similar situations.  Some of them are taking withering incoming fire for doing their jobs, and not all of them are getting the support they need and deserve from their bosses.  

I wrote an essay about the issue and submitted it to the Radio Television Digital News Association, which is the main professional organization for TV news directors.  The piece is now live on the RTDNA website, and you can find it here.

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