Who IS this guy?

I’m Forrest Carr, a former award-winning broadcast journalist who’s now taking a break from the business to focus on other forms of writing.   I served 33 years in the trenches of television news, working as a radio reporter, TV reporter, TV producer, mid-level manager, and finally as a news director in Fort Myers, Albuquerque, Tampa, and Tucson, where I currently live, and I managed to get through it all without hocking my soul (but only because I couldn’t get a good price for it).  I know too much about what really goes on in TV news and fear my life is in danger.  OK, I’m just kidding about the danger, but I have published what one critic called a “masterful exposé of TV news,” Messages, a crime novel set in the business.  I’ve also penned something completely different, A Journal of the Crazy Year, which is offered as a new and original take on the zombie/apocalyptic genre.  And I have other novels in the pipeline.   I’ve also been a frequent contributor to media trade magazines and websites, and am co-author of a popular college text book on journalism.  I once wrote a poem, started on a song, and I can sing Slim Whitman’s “Secret Love.”  Cancer has tried to kill me in two different ways but so far has failed.  So there.  I have a beautiful wife, two butt-headed cats, and many imaginary friends (for which fiction writing is my therapy).  The keyboard tends to get me into trouble, and I never seem to learn, yet I’m somewhat shy in person, although I try to fake my way out of it.   You can find out more about me, my writing, and my checkered past at my website, www.forrestcarr.com. 

Note to news editors, show producers, radio/TV hosts, web masters and bloggers:  Except where noted, this blog holds the copyright for all text appearing within, and for any image credited to "TBB" within a an entry.  You may repost, reuse, or quote from such material provided that you credit “The Bashful Bloviator Blog.”  Your use of this material indicates your agreement to assume all associated legal risks (in other words, if you repost or reuse the blog and it p*sses someone off, you deal with ‘em.)  Note that “Gloomberg News” items are fictional and are intended as satire; don’t let anyone say we’re tryin’ to hoax ya.

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