
Satire.  General silliness.   Humor.  Did I mention satire?  Wise is the person who realizes the mental health value of self-deprecating humor.  But making fun of others is so much more enjoyable.  And wouldn’t you rather be happy than wise?  Me, too.

Iranian Nuclear Talks Breakthrough Reached!
And what a deal it is.

Lost Socks and the Secrets of Star Travel

Okay, the title may seem a bit outlandish.  But bear with me here.  (To my surprise, this has turned out to be one of my most popular blog entries).

Texas Guns To Vote on People Control

In the Lone Star State, guns outnumber people.  What if they had the vote?

Revenge of the Scorned Cat Man

How I got back at my cat and restored social justice to the household.

The Job Applicant Darwin Awards
Title tells all.  And best of all, it's all realnothing made up or even exaggerated.

This is going to get me into big trouble

Pictures of scantily clad women are flooding my computer screen.  It's not what you think.  I'm the victim here.

Egyptologists reveal language breakthrough
You heard it here first.  Scientists kept this discovery under wraps for months.

"Pretty woman":  Yesterday's classic hit is today's sexual harassment
Do not sing this song out loud.  You could get busted for sexual harassment.  We are all going to have to adjust our thinking—and our culture.

Mingling with the Gladidonts

I was feeling pretty good about not being anything like some of the people I met at the malluntil a grim reality hit me.

Constitutional Shield Sought for Hurt Feelings
Contrary to the beliefs of most Americans, citizens do not have a Constitutional right not to be offended.  It's time for that to change.

Surrendering the Penis

Boy was Freud ever right about that whole  penis envy thing.  And it's getting uglier by the day.  The next step, in the name of gender equality, is obvious.

In Praise of Stupid Criminals

So.  These three robbers walk into a gun store.  And they pull out pistols.  And....

Celebrating Hollywood's Exciting New Movie Genre: The Vom Com

An unflinching examination of Hollywood's unflinching examination of some things that really should be examined only flinchingly, if at all.

Hollywood Files for Idea Bankruptcy

The court action has left most Hollywood productions--all of them sequels or prequels--in limbo.

Why Is This Medical Vendor Yelling at Me?

Burqa Company Announces Expansion and IPO

The success of ISIS and Boko Haram is creating some excellent business opportunities.

I’ve Recovered from My Embarrassment

Bride of the Bloviator

Clinton Strengthens Equal Allowance Protections
Feminism has not advanced this far.  Yet.

The Problem with the Virgins:  Interview with a Martyr
Memo to dead terrorists:  how's that 72 virgin thing working out for you?

Encounter at McZhang’s
Let's hope this vision of the future does not come to pass.

No Place in Hell for Fred Phelps
My first blog entry was also the most-read to date.  

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