ever there were a good place to talk about zombies, the apocalypse, lost
civilizations, and science fiction, Coast to Coast AM is it. And that is exactly what I got a chance to do
Friday night (Feb 27). What a
treat! Coast to Coast AM airs on more
than 600 radio stations and is the nation’s premiere destination for late-night
radio. Host George Noory was smooth,
polished and professional. We spent the
better part of two hours talking about the walking undead. The central question was this: As fun as it is to contemplate a zombie
apocalypse, it’s just make-believe, right?
Nothing more than fodder for some harmless escapist entertainment in
novels, TV shows, and movies, right? Just
an opportunity to use creative makeup and dress up on Halloween, right?
no. A real-life zombie apocalypse is not
beyond the realm of possibility, if you allow one basic rule that departs from
some (but not all) zombie tales: your
zombies can out of their minds and hyperviolent, but they must be sick, not dead. With that rule in place, you can proceed secure
in the knowledge that crazed, infected zombies really could kill us all.
maybe we’re having too much fun here.