Saturday, November 14, 2015

Medical Travails Saturday November 14

Another CARE package has arrived at the Carr household.  I could have told  you who sent it from the address alone:  the package was sent to the attention of  “Forrest Carr News Director and Brother.”  Of course, I’m not  news director to anyone to whom I’m actually also a brother, except in spirit only.  That narrowed the choice of senders down considerably.  I won’t embarasss him here by telling you who it is, but suffice it to say that when I worked with him in Florida TV  news, we had a very close and productive relationship.

The package itself shows the man is hip to my current needs.  It’s stuffed to the rims with candy.  As regular readers to this blog know, my sweet taste buds are about the only ones that have survived chemo and radiation and painkillers and all the other indignities they heap on you in the name of trying to eradicate cancer from your body.  I can taste most meat but very blandly.  But Milky Ways, Snickers, M&M’s, Butterfingers, Kit-Kats, and you name what else are completely undiminished in their enjoyment.

They’ve also helped me reach my weight goals.  My doctor was very worried about my weight for a while there.  I was under strict orders to eat as  much as I could and to take on the pounds.  Toward this end I was prescribed an appetite enhancing steroid, the theory being that every ounce of weight you take on is a victory against cancer, which wants to take it away from you.

Well, I’m here to tell  you that the candy and steroids tactic have done the trick.  I now weigh more than I ever have before in my life.  In fact, I intend to cut down.   But not all at once.

With the package came some nourishment for the soul as well, a pamphlet entitled Keep Calm and Trust God by Jake and Keith ProvanceInterestingly, it’s about the same size and word count as my fourth book, My Lifetime of Weird Coincidences and Strange Happenings, and even touches on some of the same themes, particularly the need to grasp every moment, hold it to your breast and cherish it like it may be your last.  Because it well might be.

Speaking of which, I got my statement back from Amazon and I have to say “thank you” to the many people who’ve been buying my books lately.  It’s much, much appreciated.

Medically, there’s not much else to report.  Some days I think I’m losing ground in the fight against rising pain levels; other days, I’m not so sure.  Yesterday I was feeling so bad that I decided to put my head down and go back to sleep for a while.  I slept until 4pm in the afternoon.  I sort of hate doing that but I did get up feeling refreshed and pain-free.  Those are good feelings.  But I have not slept so late in decades.  I have a feeling it won’t be the last time I do that.

So once again tonight I find myself in the position of publicly thanking someone for reaching out to me.   To my Florida brother-in-arms and his lovely bride, let me extend heartfelt thanks and let you know that your words do mean the world to me.  I will abide by them, keeping calm and trusting God.


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